French A1.21: At the clothing shop

Au magasin de vêtements

Conversation exercise

  1. Dis qui porte quoi. (Say who is wearing what. )
  2. Quels autres vêtements connaissez-vous ? (What other clothing items do you know?)
  3. Décrivez les vêtements de la personne à côté de vous. (Describe the clothes of the person next to you.)

Teaching guidelines +/- 10 minutes

Example phrases:

Il porte des gants.

He is wearing gloves.

Elle porte une ceinture.

She is wearing a belt.

Comme un autre vêtement, je connais "robe".

As another clothing item I know "dress".

Petra porte un pantalon et un pull.

Petra is wearing trousers and a jumper.

Elle porte des bottes.

She is wearing boots.

Ma mère porte des lunettes.

My mother is wearing glasses.

Que portez-vous aujourd'hui ?

What are you wearing today?



These exercises can be done together during conversation lessons or as homework.

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