French A2 module 4: Mode de vie (Lifestyle)
This is learning module 4 of 6 of our French A2 syllabus. Each learning module contains 6 till 8 chapters.
Full learning program: A2
Learning goals:
- Parlez de votre mode de vie. (Talk about your lifestyle.)
- Découvrez les modes de vie d'aujourd'hui et du passé. (Discover lifestyles of now and the past.)
Word list (78)
Core vocabulary (78): Verbs: 14, Adjectives: 12, Nouns: 46, Sentences / word combination: 6
French | English |
Actif | Active |
Artistique | Artistic |
Assister | To attend |
Avoir un cours de ... | Have a class in ... |
Commencer | To begin |
Créatif | Creative |
Durable | Sustainable |
Emporter | To take away |
Energique | Energetic |
Enlever | To remove |
Goûter | To taste |
La baignoire | The bathtub |
La banane | The banana |
La brosse | The brush |
La brosse à dents | The toothbrush |
La carotte | The carrot |
La commande | The order |
La course | The run |
La couture | Sewing |
La cravate | The tie |
La crème | The cream |
La douche | The shower |
La fraise | The strawberry |
La musculation | Weight training |
La paille | The straw |
La passion | The passion |
La peinture | Painting |
La photographie | Photography |
La piste cyclable | The cycle path |
La pizza | The pizza |
La poire | The pear |
La pomme | The apple |
La poterie | Pottery |
La robe | The dress |
La salade | The salad |
La sculpture | Sculpture |
La séance | The session |
La tenue de sport | The sports kit |
La tomate | The tomato |
La trottinette | The scooter |
La voiture électrique | The electric car |
Le bain | The bath |
Le co-voiturage | Car sharing |
Le costume | The suit |
Le dentifrice | The toothpaste |
Le gilet | The waistcoat |
Le mode de vie | The lifestyle |
Le peigne | The comb |
Le rasoir | The razor |
Le régime | The diet |
Le sandwich | The sandwich |
Le savon | The soap |
Le train | The train |
Les baskets | Trainers |
Les talons | Heels |
Pratique | Convenient |
Rapide | Fast |
Rester | To stay |
Réutilisable | Reusable |
S'exercer | To exercise |
S'investir | To invest oneself |
Sain | Healthy |
Savoir | To know |
Se brosser | To brush |
Se dépenser | To exert oneself |
Se laver les mains | Washing hands |
Se maquiller | To put on makeup |
Se peser | To weigh oneself |
Sur place | Eat in |
Un exercice | An exercise |
Une alimentation | A diet |
Venir | Come |
Végétarien | Vegetarian |
À emporter | To take away |
Écologique | Environmentally friendly |
Équilibré | Balanced |
Être démodé | To be out of fashion |
Être à la mode | To be in fashion |