French A2 module 3: Projets du week-end (Weekend plans)
This is learning module 3 of 6 of our French A2 syllabus. Each learning module contains 6 till 8 chapters.
Full learning program: A2
Learning goals:
- Parler des activités courantes du week-end. (Talk about common weekend activities.)
- Intégrez les temps du futur simple. (Integrate the simple future tenses.)
Word list (91)
Core vocabulary (91): Verbs: 16, Adjectives: 4, Nouns: 68, Sentences / word combination: 3
French | English |
Accepter | To accept |
Admirer | To admire |
Adorer | To adore |
Applaudir | To applaud |
Boire un café | To have a coffee |
Calme | Calmness |
Classique | Classical |
Dériver | To drift |
Grimper | To climb |
Inviter | To invite |
L'espace | Space |
L'est | The east |
L'opéra | The opera |
L'ouest | The west |
L'univers | The universe |
La boutique | The Shop |
La brise | The breeze |
La cage | The cage |
La campagne | The countryside |
La chanson | The song |
La comédie musicale | The musical theatre |
La constellation | The constellation |
La conversation | The conversation |
La ferme | The farm |
La forêt | The forest |
La foule | The crowd |
La galaxie | The galaxy |
La girafe | The giraffe |
La lune | The moon |
La montagne | The mountain |
La poule | The hen |
La prairie | The meadow |
La promenade | The walk |
La randonnée | The ramble |
La rivière | The river |
La scène | The stage |
La surprise | The surprise |
La tornade | The tornado |
La vache | The cow |
Le bijou | The piece of jewelry |
Le bouquet | The bouquet |
Le champ | The field |
Le chemin | The path |
Le cheval | The horse |
Le ciel | The sky |
Le concert | The concert |
Le cyclone | The cyclone |
Le fleuriste | The florist |
Le jazz | Jazz |
Le jeu de société | The board game |
Le lac | The lake |
Le lion | The lion |
Le mouton | The sheep |
Le nord | The North |
Le nord-est | The northeast |
Le nord-ouest | The northwest |
Le parc | The park |
Le parfum | The perfume |
Le paysage | The landscape |
Le public | The audience |
Le rock | Rock music |
Le singe | The monkey |
Le sud | The south |
Le sud-est | The southeast |
Le sud-ouest | The southwest |
Le tigre | The tiger |
Le téléscope | The telescope |
Le zoo | The zoo |
Lourd | Heavy |
Léger | Light |
Monter | To climb |
Nourrir | To feed |
Observer | To observe |
Offrir | To offer |
Refuser | To refuse |
Rendre visite | To visit |
Sauvage | Wild |
Se promener | To walk |
Souffler | To blow |
Un emballage | A package |
Un hôte | A host |
Un éléphant | An elephant |
Une amitié | A friendship |
Une exploration | An exploration |
Une idée | An idea |
Une invitation | An invitation |
Une observation | An observation |
Une étoile | A star |
Voir ses amis | Seeing his friends |
Écouter | To listen |
Élever | To raise |