French A2 module 1: Voyager : en pleine nature ! (Travelling: into the wild!)
This is learning module 1 of 6 of our French A2 syllabus. Each learning module contains 6 till 8 chapters.
Full learning program: A2
Learning goals:
- Gérer les situations courantes en voyage. (Manage common situations while travelling.)
- Consolider les temps du verbe A1 avec des verbes irréguliers. (Consolidate A1 verb tenses with irregular verbs.)
Chapters (8)
Chapter | Learning goals | Lesson materials | Actions |
Des plans de vacances
(Holiday plans)
Learning module 1 (A2):
Voyager : en pleine nature !
(Travelling: into the wild!)
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Faire vos valises
(Packing your luggage)
Learning module 1 (A2):
Voyager : en pleine nature !
(Travelling: into the wild!)
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Réservez votre hébergement
(Book your accomodation)
Learning module 1 (A2):
Voyager : en pleine nature !
(Travelling: into the wild!)
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À l'aéroport et dans l'avion.
(At the airport and in the plane.)
Learning module 1 (A2):
Voyager : en pleine nature !
(Travelling: into the wild!)
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Louez votre moyen de transport
(Rent your transportation)
Learning module 1 (A2):
Voyager : en pleine nature !
(Travelling: into the wild!)
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À l'hôtel
(At the hotel)
Learning module 1 (A2):
Voyager : en pleine nature !
(Travelling: into the wild!)
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En tant que touriste dans la ville
(As a Tourist in the City)
Learning module 1 (A2):
Voyager : en pleine nature !
(Travelling: into the wild!)
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Une catastrophe de vacances ?
(Holiday disaster?)
Learning module 1 (A2):
Voyager : en pleine nature !
(Travelling: into the wild!)
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