French A1 module 3: Au jour le jour (Day to day)
This is learning module 3 of 6 of our French A1 syllabus. Each learning module contains 6 till 8 chapters.
Full learning program: A1
Learning goals:
- Parle de tes activités quotidiennes. (Talk about your day to day activities.)
- Poser des questions de base. (Asking basic questions.)
- Faire les courses et acheter. (Shopping and buying.)
Word list (119)
Core vocabulary
Verbs: 25,
Adjectives: 1,
Adverbs: 5,
Articles: 1,
Nouns: 80,
Pronouns: 2,
Sentences / word combination: 6
Context vocabulary:
French | English |
Acheter | To buy |
Avoir du temps | Having time |
Boire | To drink |
C'est cher ! | It's expensive! |
Ce n'est pas cher ! | It is not expensive! |
Cher | Expensive |
Choisir | To choose |
Combien ? | How much? |
Comment ? | How? |
Comparer | To compare |
Coûter | To cost |
Cuisiner | To cook |
Demander | To ask |
Doser | To dose |
En espèce | In cash |
Essayer | To try |
L'argent | Money |
L'eau | Water |
L'horaire | The schedule |
L'huile | The oil |
La balance | The scales |
La bouche | The mouth |
La boucherie | The butcher's |
La boulangerie | The bakery |
La carte bancaire | The bank card |
La chemise | The shirt |
La cuisine | The kitchen |
La dent | The tooth |
La farine | The flour |
La jambe | The leg |
La jupe | The skirt |
La langue | The tongue |
La main | The hand |
La monnaie | The currency |
La pièce | The coin |
La poissonnerie | The fishmonger |
La pomme de terre | Potato |
La question | The question |
La recette | The recipe |
La tête | The head |
La veste | The jacket |
Le beurre | The butter |
Le billet | The ticket |
Le bras | The arm |
Le bœuf | Beef |
Le chapeau | The hat |
Le corps | The body |
Le cœur | The heart |
Le diner | The dinner |
Le doigt | The finger |
Le dos | The back |
Le déjeuner | Lunch |
Le fouet | The whisk |
Le fromage | The cheese |
Le jean | The jeans |
Le jus de fruit | Fruit juice |
Le magasin | The shop |
Le manteau | The coat |
Le marché | The market |
Le nez | The nose |
Le pain | Bread |
Le pantalon | The trousers |
Le petit-déjeuner | Breakfast |
Le pied | The foot |
Le poisson | The fish |
Le poivre | The pepper |
Le poulet | The chicken |
Le prix | The price |
Le quotidien | The everyday |
Le repas | The meal |
Le riz | Rice |
Le sac à main | The handbag |
Le sel | Salt |
Le sucre | Sugar |
Le supermarché | The supermarket |
Le ventre | The abdomen |
Le visage | The face |
Le vêtement | The garment |
Le yaourt | The yoghurt |
Les chaussettes | The socks |
Les chaussures | The shoes |
Les cheveux | The hair |
Les courses | The groceries |
Les gants | The gloves |
Les lèvres | The lips |
Les pâtes | Pasta |
Les épices | The spices |
Manger | To eat |
Mélanger | To mix |
Où ? | Where? |
Par carte | By card |
Payer | To pay |
Peser | To weigh |
Plier | To bend |
Porter | To wear |
Pourquoi ? | Why? |
Prendre | To take |
Quand ? | When? |
Quel ? | Which? |
Questionner | To question |
Qui ? | Who? |
Quoi ? | What? |
Rentrer | Return home |
Respirer | To breathe |
Répondre | To respond |
Se coucher | To go to bed |
Se laver | To wash oneself |
Se reveiller | To wake up |
Toucher | To touch |
Un client | A customer |
Un ingrédient | An ingredient |
Un ustensile | A utensil |
Un vendeur | A shop assistant |
Un épicier | A grocer |
Un œil | An eye |
Une oreille | An ear |
Une épicerie | A grocery shop |
Vendre | To sell |
Ça coûte 20 euros | It costs 20 euros |